kefir headers health
kefir target covid
kefir target covid

Article on Science Direct on Using kefir (and its byproducts) as an inhibitor of expression of proinflammatory cytokines in COVID-19 patients could be a viable policy. Visit Article on Science Direct >>>

A study from Monash University in Melbourne identified two molecules in the gut microbiome, which houses probiotic bacteria, that may play a role in treating severe COVID-19 and asthma attacks.
Visit full article on biospace >>>

Can Kefir cure Covid-19 and Crohn’s disease? Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have identified molecules in kefir, that have the potential to combat pathogenic bacteria by blocking communication between cells. Visit full article >>>

The systemic effects of bioactive peptides which are produced by the fermentation of milk via the microorganisms found in kefir have been the subject of interest in recent years. Bioactive peptides activate innate immunity by stimulating macrophages, increasing phagocytosis, augmenting NO and cytokine production and boosting the lumen levels of IgG and IgA+ B-lymphocytes. The aim of the present study was to determine the serum cytokine profiles of healthy volunteers after Kefir consumption to evaluate helper T (TH) cell polarisation and to bring out the effects on native and allergic immune responses. Visit full article >>>

Microbes in your gut may be new recruits in the fight against viruses. Microbiologists are looking at new ways to fight viral infections, including COVID-19, with the bacteria already living in your intestine.
Visit National Geographic to Visit full article >>>

Israeli lab ‘cures’ mice of COVID-style inflammation using molecules in Kefir. Visit full article >>>

Kefir milk health milk grains in bowel

The gut has its own cleaning system. Roughly an hour after eating, the clean-up starts with a powerful wave of peristalsis moving through the tubes. This distinctive pattern of movement moves along any undigested food.

spoon milk kefir

High probiotic content of Kefir helps get rid of toxins (and free radicals) that can damage stressed skin. Probiotics in Kefir also help boost the digestive system in your body enabling vitamins and minerals to be absorbed more effectively.

milk kefir berries

For thousands of years microbial cultures have been used to ferment foods and prepare alcoholic beverages. kefir grains are known by the name “Grains of the Prophet”. The traditional legend about the origin of kefir grains states the prophet Mohammed gifted kefir grains to the Orthodox Christians. He is said to have taught the people how to make kefir, and the people revered kefir as a health-promoting food.

In the past Century, various micro-organisms have been tested for their ability to prevent and cure diseases in animals and humans. Micro-organisms have also been added to domestic animal feed to enhance growth. Based on these applications, the word “Probiotic” was used to describe these beneficial micro-organisms by Lilley & Stillwell (1965). Fuller (1992) defined a probiotic as ‘a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its microbial balance’.

Milk Kefir is good source of probiotics,  which are good bacteria that live on the lining of the intestines and are responsible for important tasks such as immune support, crowding out bad bacteria, and improving digestion and gut health, as well as many more things crucial to good health.

Main Vitamins % RDI
Phosphorus 43 %
Calcium 40 %
Potassium 16.5 %
Sodium 7.4 %
Vitamin C 6 %

Main Minerals % RDI
Vitamin B12 50 %
Vitamin B2 39 %
Vitamin D 17 %
Vitamin A 10 %
Vitamin C 6 %

Calories and Macronutrients
Calorie/Macronutrient Amount (kcal/grams)
Calories 58 kcal
Carbohydrate 7.1 g
Fat 1.0 g
Protein 5.0 g

Some benefits of using  Kefir probiotics:

  • Nutrient absorption
  • Gut health 
  • Improving diarrhea from rotavirus and other pathogens
  • Restoring balance of microflora in urogenital tracts
  • Preventing/managing eczema & psoriasis
  • Reducing incidences of yeast infections
  • Weight loss
  • Promoting anti-tumor and anti-cancer activity in the body
  • Preventing and treating urinary tract infections
  • Reducing colds and flu’s
  • Weight loss
  • Acne & Rosacea
  • Brain function and moods
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Dental health
  • Improve Allergy and Asthma Symptoms
  • Bacterial vaginosis, prevention and recurrences
  • Improve Bone Health and Lower the Risk of Osteoporosis
  • Anti-aging
  • Constipation

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, makes it necessary to explore new natural sources of antibacterial compounds. Kefir’s properties make it a perfect candidate for use as an alternative treatment for these pathogenic infections. Kefir contains nontransient bacteria that survives the digestive processes and can also re-populate the gut with good bugs that you need for health. Kefir has a wide range of health benefits, including physiological, prophylactic and therapeutic properties. These effects are a result of a wide variety of bioactive compounds produced during the fermentation process and the highly diverse microbiota, which act either independently or synergistically to influence these health benefits.

Research into the beneficial effects of kefir on animals and humans over last few years, suggest we are only scratching the surface of potential beneficial effects of kefir on human and animal physiology (not to mention plants etc) and health. The health benefits of kefir are not just for digestion, they actually influence other parts of your body, including your immune system, heart, and inflammation. The effects of kefir are not always immediate, and drinking one glass of kefir will not solve your problems. High in nutrients and probiotics, it is very beneficial for digestion and gut health. Studies show that kefir can improve health when people drink it regularly (usually daily for 2–4 weeks).

A 350-ml serving of kefir milk contains:

Protein: 8 grams
Calcium: 20% of the RDI
Phosphorus: 30% of the RDI
Vitamin B12: 24% of the RDI
Riboflavin (B2): 20% of the RDI
Magnesium: 6% of the RDI
A substantial amount of vitamin D

Kefir also contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds, including organic acids and peptides that contribute to its health benefits.
These benefits are not just for digestion, they actually influence other parts of your body, including your immune system, heart, and inflammation. The effects of kefir are not always immediate, and drinking one glass of kefir will not solve your problems. High in nutrients and probiotics, it is very beneficial for digestion and gut health. 

stands for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast; it’s this colony that forms the kefir grains. It’s very difficult to produce new grains; most grains are acquired from an established colony. Kefir grains are available to buy online and in health food stores and can be reused indefinitely. Kefir grains are very robust and will thrive under ideal conditions and survive under adverse conditions. Kefir grains can only be damaged by extreme heat above +85 degrees temperature. Temperatures between 65 – 85 degrees are ideal for Kefir grains.

The health benefits of kefir are not just for digestion, they actually influence other parts of your body, including your immune system, heart, and inflammation. The effects of kefir are not always immediate, and drinking one glass of kefir will not solve your problems. High in nutrients and probiotics, it is very beneficial for digestion and gut health.

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia among elderly individuals worldwide, leading to a strong cognitive decline and consequent emotional distress and codependence. Its pathophysiology is multifactorial, but traditionally characterised by senile plaques production and deposit through the amyloidogenic pathway. In this pathway, the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is cleaved by the β-secretase enzyme, generating an Aβ peptide of 40 and 42 amino acids, which oligomerises and fibrilises, causing senile plaques and leading to synapse degeneration. Recent studies indicate that dysbiosis—characterised by host gut-microbiome disbalance—plays a big role in AD’s pathology. These alterations may contribute to neuronal damage by inhibiting pathways related to Aβ clearance, or directly by improving this peptides production or accumulation.

To overcome dysbiosis, probiotics have shown to be a great therapeutic alternative for Alzheimer’s Disease. Within this approach, kefir—natural probiotic drink constituted by symbiotic bacteria and yeasts have been used. It uses milk as a substrate, producing metabolic molecules with health-improving effects, as antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Kefir administration has shown to be able to attenuate AD effect both in rats, through inflammatory process modulations, and in AD patients, improved cognitive function and lowering both oxidative stress levels and red cells damage.

Microbial compositions found in kefir and kefir grains of different origins.

Did you know that US EPA’s proposed enhanced biological treatment (to clean up toxic waste in California) uses cheese whey and molasses as a food source for natural microbes that live in the soil and ground water. These microbes can then break down the contaminants in soil into carbon dioxide, water and salt.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
Lactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Lactobacillus casei
Lactobacillus crispatus
Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Lactobacillus fermentum
Lactobacillus fructivorans
Lactobacillus gallinarum
Lactobacillus gasseri
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lactobacillus hilgardii
Lactobacillus kefir
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
Lactobacillus kefirgranum
Lactobacillus mesenteroides
Lactobacillus paracasei
Lactobacillus parakefiri
Lactobacillus reuteri
Lactobacillus reuteri
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
Lactobacillus viridescens

Lactococcus lactis
Lactococcus lactis cremoris
Lactococcus lactis biovar

Streptococcus cremoris
Streptococcus durans
Streptococcus faecalis
Streptococcus thermophilus

Acetic acid bacteria
Acetobacter aceti
Acetobacter lovaniensis
Acetobacter syzgii

Brettanomyces anomalus
Candida albicans
Candida friedricchi
Candida lipolytica
Candida holmii
Candida inconspicua
Candida kefir
Candida krusei
Candida lambica
Candida maris
Candida pseudotropicalis
Candida tannotelerans
Candida tenuis
Candida valida
Cryptococcus humicolus
Debaryomyces hansenii
Issatchenkia occidientalis
Kazachstania aerobia
Kluyveromyces lactis
Kluyveromyces marxianus
Kluyveromyces lactis
Lachancea meyersii
Pichia fermentas
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces delbruecki
Saccharomyces exiguus
Saccharomyces fragilis
Saccharomyces humaticus
Saccharomyces lactis
Saccharomyces lipolytic
Saccharomyces turicensis
Saccharomyces unisporus
Torulopsis holmii
Torulospora delbrueckii
Zygosaccharomyces sp
Yarrownia lipolytica

Other bacteria
Bacillus sp
Bifidobacterium bifidum
Enterococcus durans
Escherichia coli
Micrococcus sp
Leuconostoc mesenteroids
Pediococcus acidilactici
Pediococcus dextrinicus
Pediococcus pentosaceus

Most broad spectrum antibiotics wil remove 1/3 of your gut micro-biome, The incidence of antibiotic-resistant infections is rising sharply, year on year. It is vital to restore a healthy balance in the gut microbiome after taking a course of antibiotics. Eating probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods, and fiber can help to reduce the side effects of antibiotics.

In addition, probiotics are intended to assist the body’s naturally occurring gut microbiota. Some probiotic preparations have been used to prevent diarrhea caused by antibiotics, or as part of the treatment for antibiotic-related dysbiosis. Although there is some clinical evidence for the role of probiotics in lowering cholesterol but the results are non-conclusive. Probiotics have a promising inhibitory effect on oral pathogens especially in childhood but this may not necessarily lead to improved oral health. Antigenotoxicity, antimutagenicity and anticarcinogenicity are important potential functional properties of probiotics, which have been reported recently. Data suggest the consumption of fermented dairy products is associated with a lower prevalence of colon cancer, which suggest that probiotics are capable of decreasing the risk of cancer by inhibition of carcinogens and pro-carcinogens, inhibition of bacteria capable of converting pro-carcinogens to carcinogens.

List of ailments thought to be helped by Kefir

• Strongest natural remedy against any allergy
• Strongest natural antibiotic without side effects
• Treats liver disease
• Treats gallbladder, dissolves gall bladder stones
• Clears the body of salts, heavy metals, radionuclide and alcoholic products
• Cleans the body of chemical antibiotics
• Treats kidney stones
• Good bacteria in kefir are able to fight off pathogenic microorganisms
• Lowers level of LDL cholesterol
• Cleans the gastrointestinal tract
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Treats gastritis
• Treats pancreatitis
• Treats ulcers
• Prevents and treats colon cancer
• Improves digestion
• Improves the body functions
• Improves the human immune system
• Cures Candida
• Treats attention deficit hyperactivity
• Cures hypertension
• Stops growth of cancer cells
• Speeds up healing process
• Treats psoriasis
• Treats eczema
• Treats inflammatory diseases
• Reduces size of tumours
• Treats heart disease
• Reverses calcination of blood vessels
• Clears the blood vessels
• Boosts the bodies energy
• Natural “feel good” food
• Treats lung infections
• Normalises metabolism thereby can be used as for weight loss
• Cures acne
• Has anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties
• Nourishes hair
• Treats the gum disease parodontosis
• Lessens effects of medicines
• Replenishes body of good bacteria after antibiotic
• Balances the micro flora of the body’s digestive system
• Regulates blood pressure
• Improves neuro functions like reflexes, memory retention, attention
• Reduces flatulence
• Lactic acid fermentation enhances the digestibility of milk based foods.
• Treats yeast infection
• Eliminates vaginal odours
• Cures wrinkles
• Treats arthritis
• Treats colitis
• Treats gout
• Cures migraines
• Treats rheumatism
• Treats other stomach disorders
• Detoxifies the body
• Improves protein quality of milk and enhances absorption and digestion
• Good bacteria manufacture B vitamins such as B3, B6 and folic acid
• Lowers blood sugar
• Lowers blood lipid levels or cholesterol and fatty acids
• Treats diarrhoea
• Treats constipation
• Promotes bowel movement
• Anti-stress properties
• Treats sleeping disorders
• Treats depression
• Treats stomach cramps
• Treats chronic intestine infections
• Treats liver infections
• Treats asthma
• Treats bronchitis
• Treats sclerosis
• Treats anaemia
• Treats hepatitis
• Healing effects on catarrh, digestive nodes, astral nodes, bilious complaints
• Treats leaky gut syndrome
• Prevents metastasis
• Cures bad morning breath
• Aids in treating tuberculosis

Kefir is known to be a superb probiotic source. With rich probiotic content, it automatically has a positive effect on our bodies. Kefir and Kefir grains have been around for centuries and for a good reason. The various heal benefits of the Kefir means it’s a very good health drink.